Note: There's a whole lot more nuance I can draw out of this passage now. Which I will one day. For now, you can read my thoughts from 2 years ago!
Original commentary (from November 10, 2019):
"Do you ever judge? Have you ever looked at someone and given them a verdict just by their outward appearance? Do you ever point out someone’s wrongs without examining the situation first? Well, if any of those describes you, you might just have a big old plank sticking out of your eye.
Jesus tells us that we shouldn’t judge, lest we be judged. Before we clear someone’s eyes from a speck (meaning correcting their wrongs), we should first clear out the plank inside our own eye (look at the situation without any bias). Often times I find myself pointing out the flaws of others just based on what I can see. I fail to think that perhaps they had a different reason for doing what they did, or maybe they came from a difficult situation.
Often times when we judge someone without any evidence, we are looking at them with unclear vision. What I mean is that something within us, maybe pride, jealousy, anger, or hatred is hindering us from looking at that person fairly. We must remove those negative feelings first before we try to change their minds. Now our judgements may be correct at times, sure, but judging is never right. What gives you the right to expert judgement on a fellow human being? Is it not God who created them? And who are you to do God’s job for him?
The only person who has the right and ability to judge fairly is God. God knows all things, is all-powerful, and most importantly he is all righteous. He is able to give the fairest judgement in all situations. However, with all of those qualities that enable God to punish us for our sins, God does not do so. Instead, he looks at us with love and patience, even though our sins are so wicked, he is withholding his anger from us. Instead, he sent his son to die on the cross for those sins so that we might escape that judgement!
So the next time you want to judge someone, try to look at them the same way God looks at all of us. With eyes of love."