Note: This is an old comic. But I still live by these reminders!
Episode 1 Commentary (from December 6th, 2020):
“Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron” 1 Timothy 4:1-2. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we’re all false teachers, but this idea of having a seared conscience can be found in that verse. The idea is that you are sinning so much without any regard, your conscience might as well be useless.
I think this idea of having a seared conscience was kind of foreign to me for a while. As Christians, it’s easy to think we have strong consciences and that we are morally superior to others. However, when God humbled me through various trials, He really showed me just how seared my own conscience was.
Remember how last week we talked about how being in fiery trials can expose some of our hidden sins? Well, these hidden sins are there because we are so used to them that we have become unaware of their existence, or at least we have disregarded their consequences. Prominent sins that are oftentimes overlooked or excused by ourselves are lust (dude, even if you look at someone with lust you commit adultery), wrath (easy to get frustrated with a sibling, or just a difficult person in general), pride, etc.
Now that I think about it, there are just so many sins in my life that I commit on a regular basis without even acknowledging their sinfulness. I somehow convinced my own conscience that it was okay to do those things. Lo and behold, God had to show me their consequences and remind me that those things are prohibited by His word. And if you’re committing those sins knowing they are wrong, well, let’s just say your gonna need a bigger awakening through trial.
Something I want us to realize: sin has been watered down by a whole lot of teachings, but if you really believe the Bible, then you know that sin is so serious In the eyes of God that they are enough to send someone to hell. Sin also has real-life consequences, pretty self-explanatory. God might just have to give a stubborn sinner with a seared conscience up to Satan in order to get them to sober up and realize their mistakes.
Episode 2 Commentary (from December 13th, 2020):
The takeaway from this week’s comic is: sin absolutely has consequences, sure we as Christians are saved from hell, but when we transgress against God, we’re gonna feel it. This isn’t a karma system by any means, naturally, sin carries consequences, that’s just the way God made things, I’m sure you can name many examples off the top of your head.
If we really have hardened our hearts and closed up our conscience, then God will just let us feel the weight of our choices, you know, in the Bible Paul talked about delivering one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh so that the spirit may be saved (1 Corinthians 5). The people Paul was describing are those who commit terrible fornication that is very much against God’s will. If members of the church are doing such things, you can be sure that they have a terribly seared conscience.
Sometimes we are so numb to sin that we also have to experience some “destruction of the flesh”. God removes His protection from you and put you in the hands of the devil, the king of this earth. Perhaps it feels good to indulge in sin at first, but rest assured that pain is soon to follow. God’s goal here is, of course, to use that pain to bring you to your senses and back to Him. When you realize your own wrong, He is right there welcoming you home with wide-open arms.
As I mentioned in the comic, sin’s consequences might not go away with repentance. There will be scars left over from your mistakes, that’s for sure. But the most important thing is that the ultimate consequence is removed, God has forgiven you already. It is best if we follow the Bible and avoid sin at all costs, after all, we are called to be Holy, and sin, when it is full-grown, will bring forth death (James 1:15), so flee from it when it is still young. May God’s words guide us and protect us in this sinful world.