Note: This is an old comic. Things have not gone back to normal, and I am almost certain that they will never. So let us be ready for whatever is to come. Let us remain faithful!
Original commentary (from August 16th,2020):
"We always take “normal” life for granted. We enjoy religious freedom, prosperous churches, Godly friends, and so many other things. However, I’m sure you have realized after this comic, this isn’t “normal” for many other Christians around the world, and this certainly should not be the norm for us either.
To expand on my stance on the lack of persecution we face in western countries, I will say this. The lack of persecution we have should be more concerning than persecution itself, why? Because the lack of persecution means that we are keeping our faith to ourselves, if we only mind our own business of course people won’t be bothering us much, but the gospel is offensive to those who are not in Christ! In this day and age, sharing the Gospel is more important than ever because people are growing up without any Godly influence at all!
Look at the church in Laodicea in revelations 3. This church is described as “lukewarm”. They are not on fire for God, but they remain in the practice of Christianity, but they are only there, that is all. I think this perfectly describes our generation in church history. Things are going so well for us, we don’t have to worry about anything, and because of that, we slowly become more lazy and hesitant to do God’s work. Let me just say, God is not very happy with that church.
This pandemic made me realize one thing. I realized just how accustomed to this “normal” lifestyle I have become. When I lose access to certain activities that make me happy, I complain. I have been living for those things, selfishly.
To conclude, the “normal” life we have is not something to rejoice over. We must seek to live an extraordinary life, perhaps filled with persecution, for God! So when things do get back to “normal”, Lord willing, let us return to our “normal” state!"