The downfall of Western civilization has been talked about a lot in recent years. From conservative commentators to preachers at the pulpit. What I did not know was that this conversation is not new. Dr. Francis Schaefer has been striking the warning bell long before it was brought to my attention. How Should We Then Live? Has been expressing the same concerns that I have for decades. And the warning signs are increasingly obvious today. With this storm brewing, harkening back to the fall of Rome, how, should we then live?
I read this book for my Christian Ethics class. But it's been on my reading list for cultural apologetics for a long time now. It is certainly a Christian classic.
In this book, Schaefer goes through major periods of western development and discusses their issues and ideas. From the Roman empire to the Protestant Reformation, the Enlightenment to the modern world, major events, and prominent individuals are showcased and examined.
Schaefer's major case is showing the consequences of a society that embraces worldviews that are without a "base". Schaefer goes through each period and explores how the ideas of each period fail to find real meaning and the consequences thereof. Meaning, in Schaefer's view, comes from a worldview that is rooted in the Christian God. Schaefer argues that the Christian worldview is the only worldview that can make sense of reality and impute ultimate purpose. He criticizes and warns how the Western World is straying farther and farther away, and consequences will follow.
In the final sections of the book, Schaefer makes a bleak prediction of where our society is headed. As well as why Christianity will still make sense and be the only hope of turning things around.
Why Read This?
Schaefer's observations and predictions are sobering. One would do well to understand the dire consequences of ideologies. Students of history will understand what kind of atrocities can happen because of the way people think and perceive the world around them. If all we do is live our daily lives thinking "peace and safety", we are blind. Reading this book will help you gain a sobering outlook on where we are headed as a society.
Additionally, this is a profound argument for the importance of the Christian worldview. Many have argued that only the Christian worldview offers true meaning and foundation for existence itself. Schaefer is one of the best of these. Learning this importance increases the stake in this battle of worldviews. Knowing that there are real consequences will help us become serious ambassadors for God's Kingdom. It is encouraging to learn the importance of God in our lives. It is also discouraging to see that He is no longer present in many hearts.
One small thing I enjoyed is that Schaeffer would analyze pieces of artwork that represented the ideals of a particular time. Art as a human expression can tell profound stories. Art is a very raw form of expression, you can glean a lot from what people created.
Potential Pitfalls
As with any writing that deals with history but also advocates for an ideology, it will be good for the reader to study history from neutral sources. Additionally, many might feel that Schaefer's warnings for the future are too extreme. True, things are not as bad as he said in the book yet. So we would do well to make careful observations of our own culture before sounding off alarm bells. Sensationalism sells, but the truth is what changes lives.